Hindu Rashtra - Is Religion Opium Of Masses?
Is Religion Opium Of Masses?
Karl Marx once said-"Religion is the opium of masses".
If we look around us, we can see what is happening in Middle East and Kashmir.we get an impression that Marx was right.But, the truth is different, if we analyse the things deeply.
The word Religion is derived from Latin word 'Relegare', which means-"that which keeps people toghether".The problem is with the defination of this "UNITY".
Sematic religions like Islam,Judaism and Cristianity, proposed and propagated that-"unity lies in beieng Identical".so, to achieve this each of them followed the policy of "One God,One Book,One prophet,One Culture,One Law,One Faith".further, they claimed that, all those who do not follow this, are Heretics or Infidels[Khafirs].this Narrowism does not end here, but, it goes to such an extent that- they call for the destrution of the "Non-Believers".So,Chriatianity and Islam performinga Historic and barbaric Mission of converting whole world into their own religion, by hook or crook.This they claim to be their Devine mission, which can only end in destruction.This narrowness and fanatism of the semetic religions are what Marx reffered as Opium.
But, if we look into East, the picture is different.the Non-sematic religions like Hinduism of which Budhism and Jainism are offshoots, believe in, what can be termed as "Unity In Diversity".Bharath[India] is the classic example for this.Hinduism has no founders,no single prophet.there is no single Book, but a group of many hundred books which can be collectively called "Vedic Literature"-that incluedes maily Four Vedas,Brahmanas,Aranyakas,Puranas,Upanishads....
Hinduism represents Advaitha[Monoism], through Monotheism,through Polytheism.
the Vedic Literature itself is brodly classified into "Shruthi", and "Smrithi", which is the work of thousands of great souls.
In India, every region has its own culture and its ownpractices,beliefs,language and social setup.still one can see many similarities.This is what is called as "Unity In Diversity", and hence to this Day, Hinduism is the only religion that has never conquered other places in the name of religion.It is the only religion which has neither forcibly converted and proselytized others.
Marx was right i the sense that, he analysed only European religions and Eurapeon History and concluded that-"History of world is that of class conflicts..".But,this is not true in Indian context which has a History of more than 8000 years.
We can conclude that, Religion will not be a opium, if it is not guided by Dogmas and Prophets , but by pure Reson and Sprituality.
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“India of the ages is not dead nor has she spoken her last creative word; she lives and has still something to do for herself and the human peoples. And that which must seek now to awake is not an anglicised oriental people, docile pupil of the West and doomed to repeat the cycle of the occident's success and failure, but still the ancient immemorable Shakti recovering her deepest self, lifting her head higher towards the supreme source of light and strength and turning to discover the complete meaning and a vaster form of her Dharma”
Sri Aurobindo |